Monday 2 November 2009

Tabby Cat Portrait

Well, this entry to the blog has been a long time coming - I know, I know, its been a bit of a year to say the least! My mum, who is 87 has been in hospital for 3 months since falling and breaking her hip. Her recovery has been long and slow, but hopefully she will continue to improve now she is home.

Consequently, I've not had much time to blog, what with hospital visits plus trying to keep on top of my other work (cat grooming/cat sitting and wedding bouquet pressing) - not to mention the many pet portrait commissions!

The portrait above was a commission and is Leigh's lovely tabby cat Suzie who sadly passed away. I was lucky to be able to work from an excellent photo of Suzie (it always helps to have good photos). It was painted in soft and hard pastels on velvet velour paper.